History of Milk Tea

History of Milk Tea

What’s the most popular drink in China? Not coffee – at least not yet! It’s 奶茶 ♦ nǎichá, or milk tea, the beloved drink you can buy in China at any corner. Today, let’s look back and trace the history of Chinese milk tea together.   Origins The...

Chinese vs. Western Millennials

This week’s post was produced in collaboration with Hogan Injury – based on their outstanding article about global millennials. Let’s compare Chinese millenials with their global counterparts.   Chinese vs. Western Millennials Both Chinese and...
Chinese Names of Popular Western Chains

Chinese Names of Popular Western Chains

This week, we are going to look at the Chinese names of popular Western chains, famous among locals and foreigners alike. But first, let’s see what names you already know – or perhaps can guess. Look at the first picture and try to put a name and a label of the...
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