3 Ways to Use Chinese ‘Hao’ in Speech

3 Ways to Use Chinese ‘Hao’ in Speech

Even if you started to learn Chinese yesterday, you must have already picked up the famous Chinese greeting which means “hello”: 你好 nǐ hǎo. Well, if we take a look at these two characters separately, it turns out that 你 nǐ means “you”, and 好 hǎo means “good”. As the...
3 Chinese Poems All Children Know

3 Chinese Poems All Children Know

In the United Kingdom, everyone knows the words to a few songs that are taught to children at an early age. Such as “Mary Had A Little Lamb”, as well as “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and the unforgettable “London Bridge is falling down”. Similarly to us, there is a...
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