Online Chinese Classes During the Pandemic

Online Chinese Classes During the Pandemic

This pandemic might’ve affected our livelihoods – but it never affected our passion for teaching and learning Chinese. Since February, our in-house IT department together has been working around the clock together with the product team to provide a stable environment...
Chinese Quiz: Virus-Related Vocabulary

Chinese Quiz: Virus-Related Vocabulary

When it comes to learning a new language, what’s one of the most important learning methods? Repeated use! There is a professional term for it – 复现 (fùxiàn), repetition. You must’ve noticed that recently, some of the most frequently repeated words have...
Chinese Grammar Quiz: 了 vs. 过

Chinese Grammar Quiz: 了 vs. 过

Take the Quiz Which word is used for experiences in the past? A. 了 le B. 过 guo Which word is used for completed actions? A. 了 le B. 过 guo Translate: He didn’t go to Shanghai A. 他没去了上海 Tā méi qù le Shànghǎi B. 他没去上海 Tā méi qù Shànghǎi Translate: He has been to Beijing...
Chinese Vocabulary Related to the Coronavirus

Chinese Vocabulary Related to the Coronavirus

The coronavirus outbreak is still severe and we can’t go out….but at least we can talk about it in Chinese! Let’s make the most out of this tiring period of sitting locked up at home. Let’s learn a few words related to the disease everyone is talking about...
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