Chinese Quiz: Virus-Related Vocabulary

Chinese Quiz: Virus-Related Vocabulary

When it comes to learning a new language, what’s one of the most important learning methods? Repeated use! There is a professional term for it – 复现 (fùxiàn), repetition. You must’ve noticed that recently, some of the most frequently repeated words have...
Chinese Grammar Quiz: 了 vs. 过

Chinese Grammar Quiz: 了 vs. 过

Take the Quiz Which word is used for experiences in the past? A. 了 le B. 过 guo Which word is used for completed actions? A. 了 le B. 过 guo Translate: He didn’t go to Shanghai A. 他没去了上海 Tā méi qù le Shànghǎi B. 他没去上海 Tā méi qù Shànghǎi Translate: He has been to Beijing...
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