Bizarre Food Event Recap

Every month at That’s Mandarin we organize a few cultural activities and events for our students and their friends. Everyone who is interested in learning about the Chinese culture or just wants to have fun is welcome to our events. This month, one of the events...
International Experience at Chinese Camp

International Experience at Chinese Camp

  Each kid should be awarded the opportunity to come and learn about a different culture.” In the past few years, there were groups of parents who wanted something different for their children. They wanted to deviate from the usual summer camps in their hometowns...
5 Chinese Noodles You Can’t Miss In China

5 Chinese Noodles You Can’t Miss In China

Hot days, cold days, mild-weathered days,… It doesn’t matter; noodles are a staple food that can be eaten at any time, especially in China. While most foreigners would steer clear of soup noodles in the summer (due to the heat!), Chinese people...
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