The Chinese Meaning of XSWL
“XSWL” or 笑死我了(Xiào sǐ wǒle) is Chinese internet slang that’s meaning can most accurately be translated as “laughing myself to death”. Below we have a character breakdown to aid in your understanding.
笑死我了(xiào sǐ wǒle)• laughing myself to death
笑 (xiào) • laugh
死 (sǐ) • die
我 (wǒ) • I
了 (le) • denotes the completion
How to Use XSWL
“”XSWL is a phrase you will use in informal communication, you might use the phrase while texting a friend or commenting on TikTok. It can be seen as a Chinese counterpart to western text slang like ROLF or LOL.
Let’s break it down with some sample text messages:
- Friend #1: “Did you hear about the guy who invented Lifesavers? They say he made a mint.”
- Friend #2: “XSWL, that pun was terrible but brilliant.”
Note that unlike its English counterparts, people do not say “XSWL” like they might say “LOL”.

“”XSWL” encapsulates the dry hyperbole found in Chinese slang, a heightened level of amusement far beyond “ROFL”. This phrase brings a new dimension to expressing extreme laughter, evoking vivid imagery of laughter-induced near-death experiences. As you navigate the vibrant landscape of Chinese internet slang, remember that adding phrases like “XSWL” makes your text feel more genuine and authentic.
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