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7 Tips to Help You Improve Your Chinese Writing Skills

7 Tips to Help You Improve Your Chinese Writing Skills

Learning a foreign language involves two important aspects: learning to speak in the target language and learning to write. When it comes to learning Chinese, both these aspects can be very difficult for English speakers. Learning vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation so that you can express your thoughts in Chinese decently is challenging enough. When you [...]
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5 Tips for Chinese Business Etiquette and Culture

5 Tips for Chinese Business Etiquette and Culture

The average household income in China increased by 400% between 2002 and 2012. What does this figure signify? This means that China’s per capita income has increased, and people’s quality of life has improved. Chinese economic stability is visible by the fact that in 2019, 257 people debuted on the list of billionaires, taking the [...]
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Chinese Speaking Practice Guide for All Levels

Chinese Speaking Practice Guide for All Levels

Learning a new language comes with challenges. Learning Chinese can turn out to be even more challenging, as it has a different alphabet and script. Many people who started learning Chinese have stumbled upon a common obstacle: speaking Chinese. As someone begins to learn Chinese, they start learning the special characters, tones, dialects, and accents. [...]
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