Chinese Negatives 不 (bù) and 没 (méi)

by | Apr 18, 2017

Chinese Negatives 不 (bù) and 没 (méi) | That's Mandarin Blog

In Chinese, both 不 (bù) and 没 (méi) can be used to negate a verb.

However, when it comes to the verb “to have“, which is 有 (yǒu), you can only say 没有 (méi yǒu) to express the negatives “not to have“. NEVER EVER say 不有 (bù yǒu), because there is no such word.

Here are some simple examples for you to understand the expression of 没有 (méi yǒu) :

I don’t have a girlfriend.
Wǒ méiyǒu nǚ péngyou.

I don’t have any money.
Wǒ méi yǒu qián.

When adding a verb

Some Chinese learners are confused by the difference between 不 (bù) + verb and 没有 (méi yǒu)+ verb when negating actions. What you need to remember is that 不 (bù) + verb is used for negation of present and future actions, whereas 没有 (méi yǒu)+ verb is used for negation of past actions, in this case 有 (yǒu) is optional. Let’s have a look at some examples:

没有 (Méi yǒu) +  verb

Yesterday I didn’t go to school.
Zuótiān wǒ méi(yǒu) qù xuéxiào.

I didn’t have breakfast today.
Jīntiān wǒ méi(yǒu) chī zǎofàn.

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不 (bù) + verb

I don’t go to school. / I am not going to school.
Wǒ bú qù xuéxiào.


I don’t eat breakfast. / I am not going to eat breakfast.
Wǒ bù chī zǎofàn.


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