Learn Chinese in Milan | That's Mandarin Chinese School

China School Trip | Beijing Explored

by | Jun 4, 2024

China School Trip Beijing | That's Mandarin

Last week, our Beijing campus had the pleasure of hosting a group of students on their China School Trip adventure. Their time in Beijing was filled with enriching experiences and awesome moments.

China School Trip Beijing | That's Mandarin
China School Trip Beijing | That's Mandarin
China School Trip Beijing | That's Mandarin

The students engaged themselves in authentic Chinese culture and traditions, making the most of every moment. This school trip was a blend of activities and Chinese language immersion.

Here’s a peek at their action-packed schedule:

📔 Chinese language classes;

✏️ Engaging workshops, including:
  • Chinese Traditional Block Building;
  • Peking Opera Masks;
  • Movable Type Printing;
  • Making Chinese Dumplings.

…all the way exploring Chinese food, culture & ways of life 🥢

China School Trip Beijing | That's Mandarin
China School Trip Beijing | That's Mandarin
China School Trip Beijing | That's Mandarin
China School Trip Beijing | That's Mandarin
China School Trip Beijing | That's Mandarin
China School Trip Beijing | That's Mandarin
We’re excited to welcome more students in the future and keep sharing the beauty and depth of Chinese culture ✨
Stay tuned for more thrilling journeys, memorable events, and unforgettable experiences!

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