2023: Exciting Events at That’s Mandarin

by | Aug 21, 2023

Zongzi Events | That's Mandarin

As a summer season is wrapping up, let’s take a look at exciting events that have taken place at That’s Mandarin. From thrilling on-campus activities to exhilarating field trips, we’ve had a blast together.

2023: Exciting Events at That’s Mandarin

01. Mahjong Nights

That's Mandarin Events | Best Moments 2023

Playing mahjong with Chinese teachers and other students, enjoying drinks and snacks, making new friends — Mahjong Nights have become one of the most popular events at That’s Mandarin.

Have you experienced the excitement of Mahjong Nights at That’s Mandarin? Our vibrant community has embraced this classic Chinese game, and we invite you to join us for the next Mahjong Night on August 30th.

Don’t miss the chance to immerse yourself in the thrilling world of 麻将 Májiàng!

02. Game Nights

Games Events | That's Mandarin

At That’s Mandarin, Game Nights are a big hit. Engage in Chinese mafia or challenge your deductive skills in “Who’s the Spy?” Our Beijing and Shanghai students have had a blast while honing their language skills through classic Chinese games.

03. Cultural Events

Cultural Events | That's Mandarin

This year, we’ve embarked on a journey of cultural exploration, providing you with remarkable opportunities to experience the beauty of Chinese traditions. Our Chinese Wine Tasting night, Paper-cutting, and Lantern-making workshops have delighted participants.

04. Field Trips

Field Trips | That's Mandarin

Spring marked the beginning of a new adventure as we introduced day trips for our students. Together, we explored the wonders of China and immersed ourselves in its vibrant culture. And guess what? We can’t wait to embark on more captivating journeys in Beijing and Shanghai.

05. Team Events

We cherish every opportunity to spend time together, strengthening our bonds and making our campuses feel like a second home.

Here’s a glimpse of a plant potting and Children’s Day activities in Shanghai:

Team event | That's Mandarin

Children's Day | That's Mandarin

Future Events

We’re looking forward to hosting more events and dedicated to enriching your expat journey with us. Stay tuned for more events at That’s Mandarin filled with laughter, cultural immersion, and cherished memories.

Share in comments which aspects of Chinese culture you’d like to explore next.


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